From felony DUI to underage drunk driving, there are all sorts of alcohol-related driving offenses that people are charged with. In Stamford, Connecticut, and throughout the nation, those who have been accused of driving while intoxicated often face very harsh penalties that could permanently alter the course of their life, such as prison time, costly fines and license suspension. Furthermore, when someone is charged with drunk driving, they may lose their job and suffer from a negative stigma. As a result, people dealing with this should closely explore their options.
Law enforcement officials in Connecticut claim that an officer who was recently patrolling the street early in the morning found a 44-year-old man from Danbury sleeping in his vehicle. The police report says that the officer noticed the driver was slumped over while the stop light was green. Authorities also said that the vehicle was running when the officer found the man at roughly 3:30 a.m.
Police say the driver failed field sobriety tests that were administered and he faces a number of charges. In addition to driving while under the influence, authorities also allege he drove without a license and failed to obey a control signal. The suspect was released after promising to make a court appearance in June.
When someone is accused of DUI, they may have no idea of how to rectify the situation. For example, people may be unsure of their legal options or how to properly present their case in court. Anyone who is dealing with this firsthand should pinpoint the smartest course of action and may want to consider reaching out to an attorney.
Source:, “Cops: Danbury man fell asleep with car running,” Nelson Oliveira, May 14, 2015