When someone is charged with domestic violence or facing accusations of bodily injury, their life may never be the same. Unfortunately, even those who are innocent can face serious consequences that have a devastating impact on their future. If you are dealing with allegations of domestic violence, you could face financial penalties, jail time and have a damaged reputation that always follows you around. In Stamford, Connecticut, and throughout the country, people who are in this position need to carefully analyze their situation and figure out how to properly handle the charges.
On the State of Connecticut Judicial Branch’s website, an overview of the different types of restraining orders can be found, which may help you if you have been accused of domestic violence. Family violence protection orders are issued during criminal proceedings when a suspect is arraigned and are typically in effect until sentencing or the case being disposed. Next, there are ex parte restraining orders, which the family court issues after the completion of a restraining order application. These orders are issued immediately in order to offer relief from domestic violence. With ex parte orders, hearing dates are scheduled, respondents are notified and these orders are usually in effect for two weeks or until the hearing date. Following a hearing on an ex parte order, a restraining order after hearing may be issued and will usually be in effect for six months after the hearing date. Applicants are also able to request an extension when they are about to expire.
This was put together for informational purposes and does not constitute legal advice.