If you have been accused of committing a violent crime, you may be unsure of which steps need to be taken next and could feel incredibly stressed out. Regrettably, some people find themselves in this position for a crime they never even committed and at the Law Offices of Joseph J. Colarusso, we understand how upsetting it can be to deal with these false allegations. In Stamford, and across Connecticut, people who have been falsely accused of violent crimes should carefully assess their options.
From assault and battery to domestic violence and murder, there are a number of violent crimes that suspects are accused of committing. While the consequences of a conviction may vary depending on the nature of the crime, violent crimes can permanently change someone’s life in a plethora of ways. Not only do those who are convicted often face prison time, but they may lose friends, family members and their job as a result of the alleged crime. For someone who has been falsely accused, this can seem unbearable and unfortunately it could haunt them throughout their life. As a result, those who have been wrongfully accused of violent crimes need to immediately review their rights, make sure they have a solid defense team on their side and do everything they can to prove their innocence when they appear in the courtroom.
If you review our page on violent crimes, you can take a look at additional information that may be helpful for people who have been falsely accused of a violent offense.