Today’s media can be a valuable means of receiving information but it can also make life difficult for Connecticut residents who have been arrested and charged with crimes. Very often, reports of criminal arrests provide little or spotty details that make it all too easy for people to paint the defendants in very negative lights. That can leave many people wondering if they are really able to get a fair defense and this is an understandable thought.
An example of this can be seen in the case of a 33-year-old man from West Haven. Reports suggest that the man has been accused of leaving the scene of one vehicle crash and then being apprehended after hitting yet another vehicle. No details have been provided about how officers supposedly connected him to the first crash. It is also not known how far apart the two alleged crashes happened.
The defendant reportedly failed field sobriety tests and was therefore arrested and charged with driving while under the influence. Information about his blood alcohol content was not provided. Because three minor children were in the man’s vehicle, he has also been charged with three counts of posing risk of injury to minors.
Many exact details of the above situation are not disclosed publicly but that does not negate the defendant’s right to a proper defense. People in such a situation may find it helpful to talk with an attorney at these times.
Source: WFSB, “PD: CT man who had childrenin his car charged with DUI after 2 crashes,” Joseph Wenzel IV Dec. 27, 2016