Even the act of being accused of a crime in Connecticut can be very scary and unsettling. When a person is subsequently arrested and charged officially with a specific offense, things can become even more challenging. This is something that more people may need to watch for when it comes to domestic violence charges in the state.
According to the Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence, last year saw a spike in the number of people who received some sort of help for alleged domestic violence. The state also reportedly had an increase in the number of people who made calls for help pursuant to alleged incidents of domestic abuse. In 2015, a total of 28,776 calls were received regarding potential domestic violence and 39,023 people received abuse-related services. Last year, those numbers rose to 30,128 and 43,034, respectively.
Certainly it is important to keep people safe from unfair and unnecessary trauma, abuse and injury. However, it is equally important to protect the rights of defendants. Not every person who is accused of violence or abuse may have actually perpetrated such an act. The defense process should always be respected and given time to determine what is fact and what is fiction in each case.
Connecticut residents should be aware of this trend in the state. If accused of domestic abuse, it may be helpful to talk an attorney to learn what options exist for a defense in response to these types of serious allegations.
Source: News Times, “Domestic violence reports increase in state in 2016,” Katrina Koerting, Jan. 21, 2017