If you are confused about the different types of restraining and protective orders in domestic violence cases in Connecticut, you are not alone. There are different types but with similar names. Understanding how they are unique is important for anyone who may be the subject of one of these orders.
As explained by the State of Connecticut Judicial Branch, two restraining orders may be issued by family court judges. One of these is the ex parte restraining order. This can be issued relatively quickly and takes effect immediately. Its duration of effect is limited to a maximum of 14 days but it may be in effect for even fewer days if a hearing happens sooner. Once a hearing has taken place, a restraining order after a hearing may be put into effect. This will have the ability to be in effect for six months. After this time, a new motion must be filed if the restraint is still desired.
If a case moves to criminal proceedings, a family violence protective order may be put into effect at the time a person is arraigned. This order will be in effect until a decision in a case is made or until a person is sentenced. After a criminal proceeding is complete, a standing criminal restraining order may be established. This order will last indefinitely unless a new court order changes that.
If you would like to learn more about restraining or protective orders, please feel free to visit the restraing orders page of our Connecticut domestic violence and criminal defense website.