Laws regarding marijuana have been changing rapidly throughout the country. While most states, including Connecticut, have legalized marijuana for medical use, there are only a few states that have legalized recreational use. You may wonder if the state will ever legalize the drug for recreation, and you are not alone.
The good news, according to the Marijuana Policy Project, is legislation to legalize marijuana’s recreational use was considered. However, when the governor signed the new state budget in October, this legislation was not part of it. The budget is a two-year deal, so at least for the next two years, it looks unlikely that recreational marijuana will be coming to the state. However, those in favor will keep trying in 2018 to get laws passed.
The rejected proposals wanted to legalize marijuana to help increase state revenue. The legalization would allow for taxes to be collected, along with other money related to store startups and sales.
Currently, the only legislation for legal marijuana use is medical. The one stand out about the state was even medical marijuana was restricted to only adults since the enactment of the law in 2012, but that was changed to include minor use in 2017. Even with that change, the state is still one of the most restricted in the country. This restriction of medical use, which is generally seen in the country as acceptable, makes it even more difficult to believe that lawmakers will readily accept recreational use anytime in the near future. This information is for education only and is not intended to be taken as legal advice.