At some point, you may find yourself accused of a traffic offense. Although traffic tickets and similar offenses may seem relatively insignificant, it is important to recognize the potential impact these charges could have on your life. At the Stamford, Connecticut Law Offices of Joseph J. Colarusso, we know how challenging it can be for some people who have been charged with a traffic violation.
According to the Connecticut Judicial Branch, traffic violations are reported to the Department of Motor Vehicles and any tickets will be reflected on your driving history. Depending on the details surrounding your case, points may be placed on your driver’s license. Furthermore, your insurance company will probably discover the traffic violation or infraction and your auto insurance rates could be higher as a result of the ticket. Additionally, you could be required to complete a retraining course and pay a fee for participating in the program, depending on the details concerning your case. Between fines, fees and higher insurance rates, the financial ramifications of a traffic ticket can turn your life upside down.
You may be ticketed for a number of offenses, from driving without insurance and speeding to unlawful parking. Unfortunately, traffic tickets can make your life very difficult, even if you are innocent. If you decide to plead not guilty, you could have to appear in the courtroom. As a result, it is vital to ensure that you handle a traffic ticket appropriately. On our traffic violations page, you can access more information on different types of traffic-related offenses.